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LIN Earns Excellent Family-Friendly Company Certification
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LIN has been selected as an “Excellent Family-Friendly Company” by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.

An “Excellent Family-Friendly Company” is a company or public institution certified as family-friendly by the Minister of Gender Equality and Family in recognition of its excellence in operating family-friendly systems, aimed at promoting the creation of a family-friendly social environment.

LIN was certified as an “Excellent Family-Friendly Company” after passing a rigorous examination of top management leadership, implementation of family-friendly programs (support for childbirth and childcare, flexible work arrangements, creation of family-friendly workplace culture, etc.), and employee satisfaction with family-friendly management.

As a certified Excellent Family-Friendly Company, LIN aims to support the balance of work and family life for its employees, thereby improving their quality of life and increasing their job satisfaction, and ultimately contributing to its long-term growth. The firm also aims to fulfill its corporate social responsibility, practice ethical management, and contribute to addressing the country's declining birthrate and aging population.

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