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Tae Eon Koo, “For Digital Healthcare Businesses in the AI Era, Customized Regulations are Needed”
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At the Global Bio Forum (GBF 2023) held at the Lotte Hotel in Sogong-dong, Seoul, on October 22, Tae Eon Koo, an IT expert (formerly, Kim & Chang and Cybercrime Investigative Office) who leads the TMT and Data Protection team at Lin, gave a lecture on the limitations of regulations related to AI-personalized healthcare digital services, and emphasized that “regulations that can be liberalized in the field of digital healthcare, such as telemedicine and artificial intelligence (AI), must be loosened robustly, and customized regulations should be implemented.”

Mr. Koo pointed out that certain regulations such as prohibitions on telemedicine, restrictions on genetic testing items, lack of data de-identification regulations, and restrictions on who can keep EMRs (electronic medical records) are making it difficult for companies to enter the market and argued that such regulations need to be improved and legislations need to be amended, especially for demonstration cases implemented in provincial regions. 

For more information, please see the original article below.

News1 Reporter Kyubin Kim
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