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Attorney Tae Eon Koo, appeared on Ki Young Sung's Economy Show on KBS1 Radio, 'How to Stop Technology Leakage That is Eating Up the Country?'
With the U.S.-China conflict escalating into a high-tech war and the competition for technological supremacy intensifying, it is important to secure super-gap cutting-edge technologies and protect developed technologies to strengthen corporate competitiveness as the trade environment becomes more uncertain. Fundamentally, securing super-gap technologies depends on strengthening domestic R&D capabilities, and protecting developed technologies, on preparing for the outflow of talent and technology.

Tae Eon Koo, who leads the TMT and Data Security Team at LIN, appeared on KBS Radio to discuss the growing number of industrial technology leaks and ways for companies to respond to them. The main questions and answers are attached, and please refer to the clip below for further details.

If it's up to the law enforcement to arrest the perpetrators of technology theft, it's up to law firms to help victimized companies respond to such theft appropriately. At LIN, we recognize the importance of protecting advanced and critical technologies, and the seriousness of the damage caused breaches and leaks thereof, and, to provide the best solutions to respond to them, we have TMT & Data Security Team comprised of lawyers specialized in the field of technology from our Intellectual Property Group, lawyers with extensive experience in directing or investigating cases involving industrial technology and trade secret leaks in the police and prosecution, and digital forensics experts. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help Korean companies compete on the world stage.

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